Shukriya Bradost, Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech on Iranian Politics, Womens Rights, & Securitization.

I had the pleasure of hosting Shukriya Bradost, a Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech whose research focuses on international security & Foriegn Policy, specifically the securitization of ethnic and religious groups in Iran and the region.

I stumbled upon her analysis of national and international news, and the timing of our conversation overlapped some very important events happening in Iran.

We went deep into her background, experience moving to the U.S. and her path to academia.

It is impossible to discuss Iran without emphasizing human or women's rights more specifically. Shukriya shared her personal experience and analysis that is informed by her research. She also added the Kurdish dimension to the Iranian protests.

You can find more from Shukriya on Twitter here:

You can also connect with her on LinkedIn here.

A rant, Christopher Sweat
A rant, Christopher Sweat
Christopher Sweat